
What you’ll see in Contributions is a range of articles and videos from myself and others, which reflects some of my thinking. Obviously, you don’t need to agree with all that others and myself contribute, but these contributions are offered in the spirit of helping you to think things through.

If you have any comments or feedback, please get in touch via the contact page.

European Democracy: A Note on Theory and Practice

Based on previous experience and current active membership of the European Parliament Former Members’ Association, following the confirmation vote for Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission, I wrote the attached piece on how the European Union works in theory and actual practice: European Democracy: a Note on Theory and Practice

Note for European Parliament Former Members on How Blair Killed the Coops

Following interest in my book on “How Blair Killed the Coops”, which includes considerable reference to European Funding and its influence, I was asked to submit a more detailed note for wider information. My book can now be found in the Library of the European Parliament. How Blair Killed the Coops Note for FMA

Neoliberalisation of the third sector is almost complete

This is my online presentation at 2023 ANSER-ARES Conference ( Conference of the Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research) on MON 29 MAY 2023 at the University of Toronto

Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRIME) and Sustainable Development Goals A New Paradigm for a Multi Polar World

This is the presentation I made online to the China Association for Socially Responsible Leadership 3rd Annual Symposium on SAT 20 MAY in Shanghai. There’s plenty more on PRME and the SDGs where this came from, so please use the ‘Contact’ page to get in touch. China Association for Socially Responsible Leadership Shanghai.

Social Enterprise in Scotland Has Almost Run its Course

This is my presentation made to the Open University Scotland Research Seminar on Monday 18 April 2023. It’s rather shorter than other presentations to make space for another presentation Open University Research Seminar For an updating note on my book “How Blair Killed the Coops”, please see Updating Note on “How Blair Killed the Coops”

Updating Note on my “How Blair Killed the Coops” book

Colleagues have been asking what’s been happening since the publication of my Manchester University Press book in November 2021. This is an “updating note”, which I circulated in April 2023.

If You Work It, You Should Control It: Reflections on How Policy is Made

This is a presentation made to the West Midlands Coops Member Education Group on Thursday 23 February 2023 ACTUAL West Midlands Presentation

Returning Coops to the Political Agenda

Presentation to ‘Which Way Forward for Coops?’ Conference, Manchester Friday 21 October 2022 ACTUAL Which Way Forward

Sustainability of Services with Non Profits

Hangzhou International Academy, China, Saturday 17 September 2022 ACTUAL HANGZHOU China.

Challenging the “Truss Legacy” of Thatcher’s Framework

During the August and September 2022 Conservative Party’s PM selection process, Liz Truss’ constant espousal and open admiration for what she describes as Margaret Thatcher’s legacy and framework shows that she really doesn’t understand what happened during this period of Margaret Thatcher’s Conservative Governments between 1979 and 1992. Some of us were there and saw […]

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